Our Story.

Why did we create Found Futures?
Reflecting on our own journey within architecture and design, we discussed ways in which we could help people from disadvantaged backgrounds and under-represented groups, map their own path to success in the built environment. Working with a mantra of ‘we want to be what we see’ we set about creating a video library, to share the stories of architects at different stages in their careers. By sharing these stories for free, across a range of platforms, we contribute to the democratisation of information and showcase inspirational role models for all to see.
What are the disparities?
London’s population is diverse: over 40 per cent are from Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups, half of the working age population are women, and the city is home to people from every socioeconomic background. The GLA and London Festival of Architecture recently found that 37 per cent of all architect jobs in London are held by women and only around 16 per cent of all architecture and engineering jobs in London are held by People of Colour. The Mayor of London’s Growth by Design publication highlighted that ‘Most of those employed in the cultural sector are from more privileged backgrounds. People from lower-income backgrounds continue to struggle to access both education and professional opportunities.’+
Research has shown that access to professionals and placements is a huge advantage to those who have it. For those who don’t, this lack of access has been identified as a large contributing factor as to why people are unable to complete training or end up leaving the profession - a feeling of disconnection.
+ Statistics taken from Mayor of London Handbook (2021) Good Growth by Design: Supporting Diversity.
Privileged origin people are 7.5 times more likely to be found in architecture industry than those of working class origin.*
*Friedman and Laurison’s The Class Ceiling
How does Found-Futures aim to address the balance?
We use our expertise in education, media and the built environment to create resources for teachers and young people that are free to access. We use our platform to share stories, tips and insights from industry practitioners to ALL, not just those who already have direct access to people in the profession. By partnering with industry practitioners from under-represented backgrounds, we aim to increase visibility and representation that can inspire the next generation of designers.
In April of 2021, we filmed our first story, and by August, we had filmed 3, complete with Q&A responses to questions asked by secondary school students. We share our resources with ANY school that wants them in the hope of, over time, changing the perception of who can be an Architect or Designer in the UK today.